Sunday, 16 March 2008

How not to tell your man......

There are various ways of telling your man that he's going to be a father, some more romantic than others. You can cook him a nice meal and slip him a little box with baby booties, you can leave him a little message.... Or you can do it my way and give him a heart attack.

I had an inkling that something was afoot; I was late and I'm never late. Having told Joe that I was late and him joking about the possibility of me being pregnant, I virtually ran to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. As I did not for one moment believe that it would be positive, I didn't tell Joe about it but just waited for him to go to work the following morning. I then dutifully peed on the stick and watched it turn pink in about 0.3 seconds. The next few minutes saw me wandering around the house aimlessly, pick up the test stick and comparing it to the positive one in the instructions again and again muttering "oh my God, oh my God". I then went to the computer and sent Joe a message to call me as soon as he got to the office.

He did; and as he didn't know what it was about his exact words were: "Yes, what do you want?" My reply was, of course, really sensitive and considerate: "I'm pregnant!" Well the silence following that statement was quite something. This was followed by him muttering "I don't know what to say" a few times before hanging up. Three minutes later the phone rang again: "Are you joking?" Well, no, I wasn't.

Joe recovered from the shock nicely with numerous cups of tea, a hot water bottle and some TLC.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Let me tell you... that's not the best way to find out!

I was, literally, gob-smacked. Anyone who knows me will think it almost impossible that I ever be stuck for words... in fact most would say I have far too many words for my own good... but it's true! I could not talk!

This was the first time in my entire life when I actually experienced that moment of "agog" when your mouth flaps up and down uselessly and no words come out.

I was caught completely unaware. Not even a little hint: "can you go somewhere private, I've something important to tell you" instead of blurting it out while I'm in the office in front of all my colleagues... makes it hard to keep it private for the first 12 weeks.

Hint for you ladies out there: Recover from the shock yourself first and *then* tell your man, in private so he doesn't look like a complete gobsheen in front of the world ;)